Thursday, April 28, 2011

Salutary Sunday...on a Thursday!

I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow morning, and I'm kind of stressed! I've been trying to get my house super clean all week because my brother will be staying here while we're gone and I just simply don't want to come home to a dirty house.

Because of that, I haven't read any blogs for 3 or 4 days, and I haven't blogged either! It's been a nice unintentional break. After this post, I probably wont blog again until Monday or Tuesday when I get back. We'll see.  ♥

So here's my Salutary Sunday post...on a Thursday!

Throughout the week I was working on my curtains that I'm going to put up in the bedroom. It's a blue background, and I'm cutting circles out of 3 different fabrics to applique onto it. I'm so excited that it's getting close to being done. I just have to put all the circles onto the blue fabric. Once I'm done I'll have a simple tutorial post for you guys!

While I was cleaning this week, I decided to do a 'deep' clean and went through some drawer in a side dresser. When we moved, we didn't go through it, just left everything in there, so it was messy! I found some old sewing projects that were half finished, so I decided to finish this one:

It's a rice bag for a kid! I think I meant to make it an octopus type thing, but there's only 7 legs...hmm...

I also made some new earrings and a bracelet...

While doing the dishes, I noticed there are flowers growing on my plant that I didn't know grew flowers! That was pretty exciting.

And lastly, I did a whole lot of reading on this here couch. It was wonderful. 

I love the accomplished feeling I get every time I read a book! I just finished Across the Universe, and while I LOVED it when I was reading it, I'm kind of 'eh' about it now. It wasn't the greatest book, but I'll definitely read the second book when it comes out!

So that's all I've done recently. Not too much, yet I've been pooped out! All I've felt like doing was reading.

Have you guys done anything?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fat Cow.

I know, I know, I haven't posted a Salutary Sunday post yet! I was busy all day yesterday making things I love and cleaning, so I didn't get around to it. And then today, of all days, I decided to start working out again. So I did the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and now my legs are made of jelly and I just want to sit on my couch and read a book...not hangout with the computer. TOO MUCH THINKING INVOLVED. So, I will leave you with a post that I wrote over the weekend. I find it hilarious, buuuuut I doubt you will. So, sorry about that.

If you read my Saturday Love post this weekend, then you know I came across a disc that had goodies on it from 2005/2006. Out of many things saved on the disc, there was a paper I wrote and I find it especially awesome, though I'm not sure if you all will. I had a class assignment to write a paper as if I were running for class president. Here is my response:

            "I, Fat Cow, want to be your class president because I want to make the Flagstaff Middle School 8th grade more functional. If you vote for me I promise that each and every one of you will be heard. I promise to be trustworthy and very responsible.  Some of the main things I want to change is the dress code, when we can use cell phones, and how much time we have between classes.
            I want to change the dress code because many students express themselves and their “styles” through their clothes. Girls, if you to be able to wear skirts and shorts, then you should be able to; guys, if you want to sag your pants, then you should be able to! All in all, I want to have the 8th graders be allowed to show off their many “styles”.
            Another thing that will change if I am your class president is when we can use cell phones. Has one of your friends ever come up to you and asked if you wanted to hang out after school? If so, how did you get a hold of your parents? Did you maybe go to the bathroom and use your phone, or hide outside of school hoping that a teacher wouldn’t see you? That’s what many students do because they are afraid of getting their phones taken away. Well, that will no longer have to happen. I will make it so that you can talk to your parents before school, at lunch, and after school.
            And last but not least, how much time in between classes will change if I am your class president. Besides getting an education, I think one of the main reasons youth come to school is to see their friends. The half hour at lunch time isn’t enough! Us teens have so much to talk about and not enough time, and I want to change that so that we at least have 5-6 minutes in between classes.
            These are only a few reasons why you should vote for me, Fat Cow, as your Flagstaff Middle School 8th grade class president. Again, I will listen to every word you guys say and do something about it. I want your middle school years to be the best years of your life. Vote for me! Fat Cow!"

Ok, {1} HOW DID I FORGET MY NICKNAME WAS FAT COW?! Seriously, how does one forget that fact? I was called that for quite some time and had no recollection of that anymore until I read this paper. {2} OH THE DRAMA. The only 'big issues' in my life at that time were really cell phone use, dress code, and class schedules? I didn't even HAVE a cell phone at that time! and {3} I'm not sure if you noticed, but I was a pretty good writer. I kind of surprise myself at how well that paper was thought out. So organized you guys!

What were your nicknames in middle school? I had a few other ones, but I don't remember them now...old friends, help me remember!

And now, I will leave you with this:

{I love this picture, it's perfect in every way, and it's especially great because it was shot on a disposable camera! This was on a river trip with my best friend from elementary/middle school, Micaela.}

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Funniest. Stuff. Ever.

Thanks to an awesome Facebook friend, you can now see quite possibly the best thing ever:

I don't think life can get much better. 

Oh, wait! It can get MUCH better:

Check out this website for more of these. 
Warning: You may get the worst stomach ache ever because you are laughing so hard!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

An Actual Conversation.

Vince: "Why is everything in the dryer still wet?"

Me: "Because that's not the dryer. That's the washer."

Vince: "What? Since when has the washer been on the bottom?"

Me: "Since always, dear."

Vince obviously doesn't do the laundry very often.

Saturday Love: Middle School Edition

While going through some old music CD's yesterday, I found a disc labeled Transfer 1. Having no idea what it was, I popped it in my computer and OH MY GOD. Awesome things from 2005/2006 like pictures, papers I wrote for school, quotes, stories, and video. So for my Saturday Love, I am posting some pictures that I love and that prove a lot of things about who I was. I want to print them all and keep them forever!

{1} Proof that I was artistic and saw the beauty in everything:

{I doubt anyone else in the world could see the beauty in the silver plug!}

{2} Proof that I was great at cleaning:

{And yes, that is a hammock hanging from my ceiling! My dad was a pretty cool dad.}

{3} Proof that I was always a giantess who never fit in my shirts:

{4} Proof that I was always fashionable:

{5} Proof that I was always normal looking:

{Goodness, so much BLUE.}

{6} Proof that I was independent and didn't have to be with my friends all the time:

{7} Proof that I was extremely photogenic:

{8} Proof that I was athletic at one point in my life:
{9} Proof that I was always a healthy eater and that I didn't spend massive amounts of time at Bigfoot BBQ eating french fries:

{10} Proof that I was always wearing high end jewelry:

{11} Proof that....oh my...I have nothing to say about this:

And yes, that is a gallon jug lid on my necklace. My boyfriend made it for me, shut up.

Does anyone else love going through old things? I know I love going through old letters, notes and photos. Whenever I do I always laugh, but I also get an overwhelming sense of sadness. I MISS those easy days! 

They felt so tough at the time and many days it felt like my life was going to be over, but looking back, they were so simple. All I worried about was my boyfriend, my friends and homework. I know when I'm older and have kids of my own, I will look back at these days and feel the same thing. 

I'm sure I will also look back at my 'fashion' posts and laugh at myself and be so awesomely embarrassed, just like I am now. I can't wait to show you guys more pictures. It was hard to narrow down the 500+ pictures I found to just 11!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Another week is gone...

I have no motivation to blog because I feel sickly right now, but at the same time I feel the need to for my own sanity. So here are some random thoughts.

*I see my future mother-in-law and aunt-in-law (?) in a week! Vince and I are going to California to visit them and we're both super excited. I also get to meet Vince's dad and stepmom for the first time. Can you say nervous?! I'm sure they are going to be nice, but those nerves are still there.

*I have eaten gluten free french toast 5 of the past 7 days. It's just so delicious!

*I'm jealous of Sara, who recently bought a 1973 Winnebago Brave, and who plans on fixing it up and traveling around with her new(ish) husband! I can't wait for the day when I'm done with school and can just go spend some time traveling. Follow her adventures and learn more about her good deeds HERE!

*I recently discovered Snickers ice cream bars at Sam's Club. Can you believe that in one ice cream bar there is HALF the sugar of one regular Snickers bar?! Does that mean I get to eat 2 ice cream bars instead? 

*I love Johnson & Johnson Baby Bedtime Lotion. Smells delicious and is so calming!

*I'm kind of stressing out about school. I don't qualify for financial aid because I make too much money, but I am broke. It's not like I'm going shopping everyday or living an extremely lavish lifestyle, so it's hard for me to find ways to save money. I don't have any TO save! I really need to start applying for scholarships, but AHHHHH. I get drained just thinking about it. 

*My coin jar is 3/4 of the way full and I can't wait until it's full so I can do something with it!

*Pepsi. ♥


*I need to paint my nails, the polish is coming off.

*After I'm done writing this I'm going to play Harry Potter on the PS3. I just checked it out from the library and am excited to play it!

*Vince likes to watch the supernatural shows on SyFy and The Travel Channel, you know, the ones where they try and talk to ghosts? I HATE these shows and always get freaked out, even though I KNOW it's over dramatized for TV. He always puts them on and instantly falls asleep, and then gets annoyed when he wakes up later and notices I changed the channel. I always explain to him that he fell asleep and he ALWAYS says, "No way, I've been watching this whole time!" And then I die laughing because I had changed the channel at least 30 minutes previously.

Well, I hope that was the most interesting thing you have read all week. I'm counting on the fact that it probably was NOT. Anyways, have a good evening lovelies.

Oh, and say hello to my niece!

{I took this a while ago when I was babysitting Alyla and getting ready to meet a friend for tea. 
She LOVED being in the carrier. ♥}

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fashion {or lack thereof}

My new maternity shirt! For my non-maternity body! Yay!

Sweet deal for $8.


I love the stretch on the sides. It's so cute!

{This picture kind of makes me look like I have a baby bump, but I don't think it looks like that in real life. Hehe.}

I also like this shirt because it covers my arm tattoo and most of my chest tattoo. I noticed that most of the shirts I bought this past weekend cover the majority of my tattoos. Sometime I just really don't feel like showing them off and talking about them, and I'm getting sick of wearing my sweater to cover them! The public is just so nosy sometimes...

It was also nice to wear a pair of cute earrings with this shirt.

I am terribly sad to say that my ears closed up over the past week, meaning no cute gauges. ='( I tried to put some earrings in this weekend and NOTHING. My gauges would not go in. I tried water and oil and my ears wouldn't budge! My left ear is maybe a size 8 and my right is is like a 12. It's weird they one closed faster than the other... 

I don't have any steel gauges right now to stretch them again, and I don't really feel like paying for them. I love the look, but not the pain on my wallet! {Or ears for that matter...} 

Because I forgot to put some gauges in the past week, I think the antibodies that were fighting my sickness made my ears close faster. I've gone a couple weeks without wearing any gauges before and they didn't close! I'm super sad about it, but I guess once the holes get back to regular size I'll continue to wear cute regular earrings that I make. It seems as if everyone has gauged ears nowadays anyways, so I'll be different...right?

Monday, April 18, 2011


Want to know how to turn me into a big baby who cries and throws tantrums?

Make me go bra shopping.

I hate it with a passion. Bra shopping is one of the worst things for me to do. I would prefer to walk the dogs in sandals in a blizzard! 

Why do I hate bra shopping so much?

Because I have a big torso and small boobs. I really don't mind the big torso or the small boobs, except the fact that there are maaaaaybe three size 36A bras in an entire store. 

A couple weeks ago my friend Veronica and I went bra shopping and we tried on probably 15 bras and NONE fit. Not a SINGLE ONE. How's that for depressing? And I'm not picky at all. If it covers my chest and doesn't make it look like tipis are on my chest, I'm fine. But I couldn't even find that.

We started at Victoria's Secret, and I was so sure we would find something there. We only saw 4 styles of bras in a 36A {and they were so kindly placed next to the 36C and 36D, to make us feel extra good about our boob size} and they didn't fit well enough to pay the $42. So we went to JC Penneys. And then Dillards. And then Sears. NOTHING. So we left and spent our bra money on sushi, which was delicious.

Over the past week I've bought 2 bras from Target and 2 from Walmart, but didn't try them on at the store. When I got home, though, they of course didn't fit, so I returned them this weekend. 

With the cash I got back I decided to go to Kohl's. I had gotten a $10 Kohl's Cash {which is awesome, it's a gift card!} in the mail from them and wanted to spend it. I tried on 19, yes NINETEEN bras, and none fit. There was one that kind of fit, but I'd have to wear a tank top with a built in bra, so that kind of defeated the purpose of it.

One thing that annoyed me was a lady in the stall next to me. She tried on six bras and, as she discussed over the phone, the problem she was having was that all of hers fit so perfectly, she just couldn't decide on a print. Go to hell, lady. Go. To. Hell.

So why even wear a bra? If I hate them so much, why deal with them? 

Well, some of them. Particularly the ones that comment on the fact that I am not wearing a bra. Wouldn't you think it's completely innapropriate to do that? I mean, they are JUST BOOBS. Everyone has them, just like everyone poops.

A couple years ago, when I was still working at a restaurant {Black Bean} and the library, I forgot to wear a bra. I rarely wore a bra at Black Bean and that day I happened to go straight from there to the library. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Well, I guess I put to much hope in society, because many people stared, and a couple men made comments. What the hell?! 

After that day, I've always worn a bra to work. I still don't wear them on the weekends or any time I'm not at work though, because I can tell someone to fuck off at the grocery store, but not at work!

So instead of buying a new bra, I bought some shirts. Yes, a few of them were the maternity shirts I talked about. :-D

They fit like a dream. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Salutary Sunday

Thanks to the few posts I've done around the blogging world recently, I have quite a few new people here at Iffy Inklings so I'd like to say, hey! Feel free to introduce yourself in the comments, send me an email, or leave me a comment on Facebook! New people always make me smile, so welcome. ♥

Every Sunday I do a little feature called Salutary Sunday. To learn more about it and actually know what it is, feel free to read my first post about it!

This weekend has oddly been somewhat productive. I was out of work sick on Wednesday and Thursday and did nothing except lay around and watch Big Love, The Office and some movies. It really sucked being sick, but it was nice to have a couple days off! 

Because I was so lazy for part of the week, I felt like I really needed to do a lot this weekend. So I did! Yesterday started with a bang by making gluten free french toast. Really really really good gluten free french toast that even Vince liked.

French toast is pretty much a super simple recipe, but here it is for you in case you want to make it and don't know how:

French Toast for Two

6 slices of bread {Gluten free if need be! I LOVE Rudi's brand.}
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
3/4 tsp cinnamon
splash of vanilla
Syrup and Butta

In a small bowl mix the egg, milk, cinnamon and vanilla. Dip the bread into the egg mixture and put into a HOT pan. Cook over medium-high heat for about 2 minutes, and then flip over for another 2 minutes. The bread may look a little burnt, but it's most likely not. It just turns darker. Once all the slices are cooked, smother with butter and syrup and devour. SIMPLE AS THAT.

After breakfast I thoroughly cleaned the bathroom, did baskets and baskets of laundry, vacuumed every nook and cranny, broke said vacuum and then fixed it, got rid of some clothes, bought some new clothes, and rearranged our bedroom. 

I think I continued to clean my whole house simply because I did not want to do dishes. I hate dishes, and our counter is covered in them, which is why I am drinking my milk out of a wine glass today.

Why, oh why, do we not have a dishwasher?!

So today, I decided to tackle the dishes after once again eating french toast for breakfast. Halfway through the dishes, I remembered that I was going to make cookies for a friend who just had surgery, so I took a break. Thus, Cheesy Red Velvet Cookies were born. 

Since my friend is not gluten free, I took the easy route. I went to the store, bought a cake mix, turned it into cookies, and threw some cream cheese frosting in between. Here's the full recipe. I don't remember where I got it from though...

Cookie recipe:
1 box red velvet cake mix {or any flavor}
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil

Add all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Spoon out about 1 1/2 Tbsp of cookie dough and roll it into a ball. Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350* for 9-12 minutes. (I needed the whole 12 minutes.) Let cool for about 10 minutes. Once cooled, spoon about 1-2 Tbsp frosting between two cookies. Enjoy!

Frosting recipe:
8 oz cream cheese
1 1/2 cup confectioners sugar

It was really hard for me to not lick my fingers when I'm baking, so I kept a piece of gum in my mouth the whole time. This was the first time I've ever cooked with gluten in my kitchen since going gluten free, and now I am so paranoid and will never do that again! I am such a messy cook, meaning there is probably gluten all over. It's so much less stressful to just make everything gluten free, even if it's more expensive or time consuming.

Well, it seems like I actually didn't do that much once I write it down. Maybe I'm forgetting some stuff!

We did buy some sheets yesterday to turn into curtains that will go up in our bedroom. I plan on adding some fun colors to the blue sheets. Hopefully they turn out good!

Did you do anything this week?

Saturday Love: Maternity Edition

I went clothes shopping today and somehow almost all the clothes that ended up in the dressing room with me were maternity clothes from the sales rack. And I'm not pregnant. So. Ahem. Ya. 

Here's a list of why I like them, and why you should, too.

{1} The shirts are long. I mean, super long. It's wonderful! I can sit at a chair and not have my undies show!

{2} The shirts are stretchy. Everyone needs a little stretch in their day, even if it's just to allow room for expansion after eating one too many cookies. Or peanut shakes, in my case.

{3} Elastic waistline. I don't know about you, but my weight fluctuates. I am happy with my weight wherever it's at, but a lot of women aren't. How great would it be to have pants (that DON'T look like pajama pants) that fit you wether you are 5 pounds overweight or 5 pounds underweight? 

{4} Extra soft fabric. It may not be true, but it really does seem as if all the fabrics are softer than normal clothes. Next time you walk by the maternity section, casually reach out your hand and touch everything. JUST DO IT.

{5} Cute shirts. Granted, you can find cute shirts in the regular section, but there are so many cute shirts in maternity. Pregnant women still want to look good, so I think the fashion companies are going overboard (in a good way) to be sure that they have options.

I'm sure if you are pregnant right now, you are thinking I'm full of crap, and that there is nothing cute out there. If so, I'm sorry! I'll enjoy your clothes for you. Hehe.

Have any of you non-pregnant people ever bought maternity? What do you think?!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm at SometimesSweet!

I'm traveling the blogging world once again! This time I am at one of my favorite blogs EVER, SometimesSweet! I've written about her a couple times on this here blog so you must know I love her. 

Go check her blog out and read my "Slice of..." post by clicking HERE!

Thanks Danielle!

A, B, C, easy as 1, 2, 3

Today, I am feeling sickly. My stomach hurts so bad and it literally feels like I've done 500 sit ups, it's so sore. I don't get it! I am couch bound because every time I stand up I feel incredibly nauseous and light headed, meaning I get to catch up on the stack of movies I have checked out from the library.

So far I've watched Morning Glory, which was awesome, and The Romantics, which I am watching Morning Glory once again with Vince, because he wanted to watch it. I really want to watch Monster, though. For some reason I always thought this was a horror movie, but a friend recently told me it's about a prostitute that kills the men and takes their money, plus it's based on a true story. That movie is SO up my alley, and I'm excited to watch it.

I know I couldn't sleep all day because I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, so I decided to do an ABC post. I have quite a few new followers, so this can also be a kind of 'get to know me' post. You can also click HERE to read more about me!

{This was stolen from Janna Lynn!}

A= Available:
That's a big fat negative. 

B= Best Friend:
That's a hard one because I have different friends for different needs! The ladies that I think will always be in my life, though, and Annie, Cori, Veronica, and my sister Suzanne. 

C= Cake or pie:
Brownies. I don't really like cake. Maybe pumpkin pie though.

D= Drink of choice:
Water, Sparkling water, or Pepsi.

E= Essential item you use everyday:

F= Favorite color:
Olive green.

G= Gummy bears or worms:
Sour worms!

H= Hometown:
Flagstaff, AZ

I= Indulgences:
Any and all food!

J= January or February:
February, it's closer to the summer.

K= Kids and Names:
I really like the name Thatcher Rey for a girl, but I'm pretty sure Vince won't let that happen...and for boys I don't really care! Vince wants to name one of our girls Tamara, but I think she would get made fun of because it sounds too much like tomorrow.

L= Life is incomplete without:
Loved ones.

M= Marriage date:
Sometime in the future.

N= Number of siblings:
2 younger brothers and 1 older sister.

O= Oranges or apples:
Hmmm, oranges?

P= Phobias or Fears:
Finding a dead body, or looking out a window and seeing someone's face.

Q= Favorite Quote:
"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."


I really want to get the last line as a tattoo! This quote has been a favorite for a LONG time. In 4th or 5th grade I read a book that I can't remember the title of, though it started with a B. It's about an African American boy growing up in a ghetto-ish neighborhood and he's gay. It kind of talks about his struggle with his friends, and it's about his summer. As soon as I read the quote I wrote it down and I still have the paper somewhere in my very young handwriting!

R= Reason to smile:
Pretty much everything about life!

S= Season:
Monsoon season.

T= Tag 3 or 4 people:
All of you!

U= Unknown fact about me:
Every other week at work, I have a program for the kids called Game Day and they get to play a bunch of video games and board games. One of the games is Rock Band on the Xbox 360, and they usually choose Beatles Rock Band over Lego Rock Band. That means I listen to pretty much the SAME THREE BEATLES SONGS for 2 1/2 hours straight. Now, every time I hear a Beatles song I literally cringe. I'm starting to hate them.

V= Vegetable you don't like:
None, I LOVE them all.

W= Worst habit:
Leaving my floss on the table next to the couch instead of throwing it away. DON'T JUDGE ME. Vince hates it.

X= X-rays :
Yep, on my back, wrists, teeth, gall bladder...

Y= Your favorite food:
Anything that's gluten free. I love waaaay too much food to list!

Z= Zodiac Sign:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Trix: Not just for kids!

You may have seen Yoplait Trix yogurt in a picture of my breakfast that I posted last week, and you may have wondered why in the world I am eating Trix yogurt when I try to stay away from sugar. {Except my once a day treats.}

Well, here's why:

My little brother Will wanted it, and it was his brithday. 'Nuff said.

But I'll tell you a story anyways.

On Will's birthday, we went to Sam's Club to pick up some wings to eat for dinner {yes, Sam's Club sells GLUTEN FREE CHICKEN WINGS and yes, I eat them ALL THE TIME} and we happened to walk by the refrigerated aisles. Of course the kids foods are right at eye level of little 3 feet tall kid, and of course my brother just had to have them. He said that he just loved it and wanted it so bad. When I asked what his favorite flavor was, he said he's never tried it before. I laughed and asked why he had to have it then if he didn't know that he liked it. He said that he just knew he would like it, and could he please have it? 

Being the awesome sister that I am, I told him I would think about buying it, but we would pick up the other food we needed first. 

On the way to checking out, he reminded me about the yogurt so we bought it. 

There's less sugar than most regular yogurts.

Before I bought it I wanted to check to see how much sugar was in them because I didn't want to buy $8 worth of yogurt just so we could eat 2 cups for dessert. After looking at the nutrition facts, I was shocked to learn that there was LESS sugar in the Yoplait Trix yogurt than in regular 'adult' Yoplait yogurt! Yes, LESS.

In a 4oz cup of Trix yogurt, there is 14g of sugar. In a 6oz cup of 'adult' Yoplait, there is 26g of sugar. If I'm doing my math right, that means that if the Trix was 6oz, there would still only be 21g of sugar in it! 

{I know, I could get the 'light' yogurts, but I'd rather eat the HFCS as opposed to the fake sugar. And yes, I also know I could just buy plain yogurt and add my own sweetener stuff like agave, which I already do. I just like a little variety!}

I really really REALLY miss freezing Go-Gurts as a kid and eating them.

The first thing Will asked, after "Can I have please have it?" of course, was if we could freeze it. I almost died and went to heaven because I love frozen things like that! As soon as we got home, we threw it in the freezer so we could eat it for dessert with our other brother Connor. It was delish.

So those 3 reasons are pretty good, right? The main thing that got me, though, was that I could freeze it. When I eat it frozen, it takes me a good 1/2 hour to eat the tiny container of yogurt! So it's a lasting snack...

Do you have any 'kid' snacks that you eat? Before I went gluten free I LOVED things like Teddy Grahams and dry Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Warby Parker

After reading a post on SheWearsCrazyWell about Warby Parker glasses and the fact they will send you 5 frames to try on for free, of course I signed up! The deal is that you pick out 5 frames from their website, they send them to you for free, you try them on to see if you like them, and then you send them back for free. Pretty sweet, right?

So I picked 5 frames and when they arrived I was excited to try them on. I was pretty confident that NONE of them would look good on me, and I was pretty much right. So instead of using this opportunity to buy a new pair of glasses, I used it as an excuse for a time-wasting photoshoot. Here are the results:

I think this is my favorite picture of me, ever:

Except maybe the dinosaur one. It's hard to choose. This picture totally captures the essence of exactly who I am: an awkward person.

I kind of like this pair on me, but I'm not stoked enough about them to pay $100{which is actually pretty cheap for glasses!}.

Needless to say, I sent them all back. 
It was fun to try them on at home instead of at the eye doctor where  you feel extremely awkward looking at yourself in the mirror. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011


My sister is now going to be a Mary Kay consultant!

{My mom and my sister}

On Thursday night, my sister had a few girls over at her house to do a Mary Kay party so she could learn about it and it was pretty fun. The only make-up I wear is eye liner and mascara if I have time to put it on, and occasionally eye shadow. I don't mess around with foundation or bronzer or anything like that because it always looks so strange on me. And I just don't like it. Too much time and effort!

{Don't I look so strange?! Me and my mom have make-up on, but I don't think my sister does, she got distracted somewhere along the way...} 
{Also, I am not shorter than my family, I was crouching WAY down to fit in the picture!}

It was fun to try stuff on and find the colors that were right for me. The thing I especially liked was learning about the basic skin care. All the 'older' ladies I know that have great skin ALWAYS say they just took care of it growing up. They didn't use anything fancy, just face wash and sunscreen.

I'm bad at washing my face once a day or remembering to put sun screen on when I go outside so I'm slightly worried about how my skin will look in 20 years. Because of this, I have been thinking about buying a good face wash/moisturizer. I definitely don't want to pay a lot of money, but I also know that I should probably pay more than the $4 face wash I buy now!

{My cheeks, they are so bronzed!}

Once my sister signs up and get her products next week, I am going to buy the face wash and creams. The lady who was doing the party said her bottle lasts about 7 or 8 months, but she washes her face twice a day. I would aim to wash my face at least once a day, but twice a day is pushing it at the moment! But that's good because it means it will last me longer, right? And it's only $40 for the two, so it's not that expensive.

I also know I am going to buy some mascara. I loved it and it made my eyelashes look pretty sweet for $10! I feel weird saying that, considering I don't think about my eyelashes AT ALL throughout the day except when I put mascara on...

So if you buy Mary Kay or want to have a Mary Kay party with me, let me know! I'll pass you on to my sister. 

Also, if I had a Mary Kay party at my house so my sister could get practice, would any of you ladies come? It would be fun to get together, especially people I haven't seen in years!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday Love

Oh my. Three posts in one day? I'm making a crazy comeback y'all. After today though, I promise I won't spam ya and will be back to one post a day. ;-)

I haven't done a Saturday Love in a while, though, so I figured I'd do one today! It's snowing outside and I feel like curling up on my couch with the laptop anyways.

In the beginning of July, I am going to hike the 16 miles of Half Dome in Yosemite Valley with my family and I'm FREAKING OUT. It's going to be so awesome! Don't know what it is? Click HERE to read about it and HERE to learn about the cables you have to climb up so you don't die. The reason I'm telling you this is because there is a guy who climbed the 2,000 foot vertical cliff WITH NO ROPE. He free climbed it. Watch the video HERE. I couldn't embed it, but it's so crazy to watch. It's a 2 minute clip, and I wanted to throw up the entire time because I was so nervous!

A friend told me about a Free Proctor and Gamble Brand Sample Pack! I'm getting a coupon for laundry soap, free tampons {every girl will need them at some point, plus they're free!} and some Head and Shoulders shampoo. Sweet!

{Found HERE via HERE}

{5} This post over at the Rhythm Method. She writes a wonderful post with great imagery about retiring to a little cottage on the beach  and "It will be right on the foreshore, exposed to the weather: so close to the ocean that our garden will be sprinkled in sand." Sounds wonderful with this current snow!

My brothers.

Emmy's poetry, especially the one about road kill!

The packaging for some earrings and a necklace I sold and shipped out last week from my Etsy shop.

Little Chief Honeybee's post about tattoo etiquette and NOT being a douche. Read it if you don't have tattoos!

{I REALLY really really wish I new the original person who took this picture, but I've looked for like 45 minutes for the origin and can't find it. If you know, tell me so I can give credit! I originally saw the picture through soulBACON.}

A recent episode on Grey's Anatomy WHERE THEY SING.
I cried. It was amazing. Watch it HERE.