Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sundays of Randomness

So today will be a random post.
About random things.
Ooooooh ya.

I have loads of laundry to do today. Not excited AT ALL.

I went and saw a wonderful naturopath on Wednesday and she wants me to record the time I wake/go to sleep, what I eat, how much I exercise, and all my wonderful symptoms for a week. It's been really interesting so far to see what I'm eating! I notice I eat a lot of WEIRD things for breakfast, such as pickles, but it's cool. I like what I eat and eat it when I want all those cookies I eat throughout the day. O_o

A girl just yelled 'fuck you' at my boyfriend because my dog barked at her little rat dog. Oops.

I've been trying to wake up at a consistent time, even on weekends, and it's HARD. I don't like waking up, I'd be totally fine sleeping for 15 hours a day. I mean, who wouldn't?! But I do have a life I have to live and I would prefer to be awake for it.

I hate that my local New Frontiers, a health food store, is so damn expensive. I paid $6 for a 1/2 pint of coconut milk ice cream yesterday. It better be the best ice cream ever. Damn not being able to just eat dairy...

I am about to eat a tamale my love just made me. Smells delicious!

Today I am planning on making gluten-free, dairy-free, gelatin free and corn-free marshmallows with a modified recipe from this little lady. I am also going to use her modified version of "corn" syrup. While I don't have a corn allergy, I am trying to stay away from highly processed food because there's something in processed food that I know makes me sick, but I don't know what. Maybe it's just that my body can't handle things that are already processed? Either way, I like to stay away from things like that and I love the modified recipes from Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom! She always has such wonderful ideas.

If the marshmallows turn out great and they aren't all eaten, I think I'm going to try a kind of rice krispie treat, but do it with these GF/CF honey cheerio type things I have. It sounds like it might be delicious and I could have it for a snack at work!

I figured out last night that my dog loves raw carrots! Good for her. =D

The tamale is calling my name.....

I need to take a shower.


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