
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

All tha tattoos.

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Finally, FINALLY! A post that has all of my tattoos. I don't think I've officially posted a finished piece of my arm and it's been finished over a year! So let's start at the beginning. (And sorry about the url on all the pictures. If they end up elsewhere on the internet, I want people to be able to find the original source to credit the tattoo artists.)

My first tattoo ever I got when I was 16 in someones kitchen. Best tattoo I have. Except not. I have no pictures of it and don't plan on taking any until I cover it up with a new tattoo. Sorry! It's a very poorly done peace sign.

The second tattoo I got was three spools of thread on the left side of my chest and the third tattoo was a couple months later with three more spools on the right side of my chest. I love sewing, and eventually want my whole chest piece to be a crafty chest piece, with random things like a thimble, a whisk, pin cushion, etc for all the random things I create. Read more about the experience here.
Tattoo Artist: Jay when he was at Burley Fish

The fourth tattoo was the word 'ownlife' on my belly, like a straight thug. It's from the book 1984 (go read it, folks) and means 'individuality and eccentricity'. Read more about it here.
Tattoo Artist: Jay when he was at Burley Fish

The fifth tattoo was my ring finger. Vince and I weren't married or even engaged yet, but I knew he was the one. Fortunately he felt the same way and didn't freak out when I told him about it. I don't really have any good pictures of it but take a gander here. Tattoo also done by Jay.

The 6th tattoo was my arm piece. My big, beautiful, arm piece. This scene took about 14 hours over five sessions. I did the first outline session in March of 2011, added some shading in May, got engaged in July and panicked thinking I'd have a half-finished tattoo for the wedding and quickly banged out two sessions in July and August before my wedding in September. The final session was to fill in the some little parts and do a touch up, which happened in September after the wedding.
Tattoo Artist: Tanin at Birch Avenue Tattoo
Based off the mural 'The Veridic Gardens of Effie Leroux' by Joe Sorren

My seventh tattoo was my legs. Does this count as one or two tattoos since it's both legs? Either way, I got 'Together we stand, divided we fall'. Silly, yet seriously awesome.
Tattoo Artist: Tanin at Birch Avenue Tattoo

My eighth (ninth?) tattoo is the deathly hallows symbol on my elbow. I can't decide if it's my favorite one or not! I got it for $13 on Friday the 13th with my best friend Annie.
Tattoo Artist: Tanin at Birch Avenue Tattoo

Annnnd that's all for now! Do you have any tattoos or plans? Do you have any questions about tattoos, even if it's something silly like, 'Does it hurt?' I'm going to write up a post about them and my experience soon!


  1. I forgot about the Harry Potter one! I was wondering what the last one was going to be.
    I still don't know what it means but I'll be reading the last HP book soon and then I'll be enlightened! =]

  2. I have one on my foot. It says "1 Corinthians 13:13". I want two more but not exactly sure how they will play out. I want a side thigh piece of the "support our troops" ribbon with my dads dog tags hanging from them. And then I want "Ohana" on my ribs. First I have to get over being a chicken shit though. HAHAHA.

    1. I obviously didn't know that verse and looked it up and I love it! Your future ones sound good!

  3. I have three at this point - nothing all that big. I want another, of course, but then I remember how much the last one hurt....and I think I'll wait a while longer. :) Thanks for the post!

    1. Luckily the pain doesn't deter me...just the money!

  4. Sweet ink! You're half sleeve is so fucking badass!! Very well done :) I only have one tattoo so far, but I have many plans for more in the future...and my personal belief is anyone who says tattoo's don't hurt either wants to sound like a badass or has a small tattoo. They hurt so bad, but they are 10000% WORTH IT.

    1. Thanks!

      Some of my didn't hurt too bad, mainly my first chest one because of the adrenalin, but I agree, people who say they don't hurt lie! haha

  5. You have seriously epic tattoos.
    I don't have a single tattoo yet but I've spent actual hours of my life planning the ones I'd like. One day, when I don't work with food and can get all the tattoos and piercings I like!

    1. Thank you!

      If you REALLY want one, don't let your work deter you! Is it in a place you can cover it up? I'm going to school to be a doctor and I have tattoos! (Duh, haha)

    2. My work isn't too fussy about tattoos but while it's healing they wouldn't be happy with me having it wrapped or it peeling or anything like that, since I work with food =( Once I've left this place, I will be tattooed all over ^_^
