Friday, April 13, 2012

Fill In the Blank

1.  Today is a good day because it's been a full one and now I'm getting a chance to read my book!I went to an orientation this morning for a program that helps with the transition between a community college and a university. It's awesome because the program will help figure out all the classes I can take at CCC (cheaper!) before transferring to NAU. In this program I can also act like a regular NAU student and join clubs, use the health facility/doctors, etc. 

After that, I hung out at the tattoo shop for a few hours with a friend who got a Friday the 13th tattoo, but I couldn't get one because I left to take my mom to lunch. Then I got glutened at lunch, which made me sick, which now means I can lay on the couch and read! (There's a plus side to everything, right?) BUT I had plans for friends to come over for dinner, which is now canceled. Wa. 

2.   The best thing I did all week was paint my bedroom grey(not shiny silver, like it looks in the picture)! I love it.
3.  The current weather is rainy/cloudy/going to snow and it makes me feel like a homebody. I love curling up on the couch when the weather is dreary.

4. The best thing about spring is I finally get to show off my leg tattoos! The weather hasn't ben nice enough to wear shorts since I got them...

5. A fashion trend that I'm dying to try out for spring is nothing. I don't follow trends, just wear what I think if comfy!

6. A person who made me smile this week was my husband. I've been so in love with him recently and we've been having a lot of fun together, especially when he accidentally takes silly pictures of himself and I find them later on my phone. (Not to say I'm not usually in love with him? haha)
7.  The most delicious thing I ate all week was gluten free powdered donuts and homemade potato wedges. This was the first powdered donut since being gluten free 4 years ago and it was amazing!
I'm linking up this week with The Little Things We Do for Fill in the Blank Friday (that I found through Little Red Writing Hood, and you should too! Do it in the comments or on your own blog and let me know!


  1. yay for being able to show off the tats

  2. Replies
    1. I ordered them online from Katz Gluten Free! OH MY GOSH. They are the best ever Sara!

  3. Your husband is adorable, and I am soooo happy to hear someone else answered the 'trend' question with 'go F*** yourself' LOL.

    1. I'd have to agree, he is pretty adorable. =P

      And ya, I don't care about trends! I'm glad we're on the same page! haha

  4. Ugh, what are you doing?! I came back, now you have to too!
