
Friday, January 4, 2013


|| On New Year's Eve my suspicions were confirmed: I married an old man. I realized this when he wanted to go somewhere else because the bar was packed, when in reality it was pretty empty. When we got home, I was so annoyed with him. I wanted the night to be legendary...epic...the best night ever before we settle down and have babies! But it was nothing of the sorts and I was bummed about it at first. Then I realized that epic and legendary weren't part of my life anymore, at least not in the lets go out to dance and party all night kind of way. That's never been my style and honestly it's not something I've ever really enjoyed or have done since high school. Maybe I told myself that it is bcause that's what other people my age do or my friends do, but that's not me. I don't get fancy and wear a lot of makeup(though I do dress nice and look presentable), I don't like heels, and I sure as hell would never wear a super short dress when its 10 degrees outside so someone would think I'm sexy. Not even for my husband. So not worth in my opinion because I look just as sexy warm! By the time morning rolled around and I saw Vince when he returned from skiing, I was no longer annoyed with him. We didnt have a legendary night where we were up until dawn, but we were with each other. Next year I can assure you we will be at home, more than likely sleeping. All in all, though, it was a pretty good night filled with 1 1/2 gin and tonics, seeing old friends, and making fun of my husband.

|| Something I realized was that I just don't like drinking. While I love the taste of some drinks, I don't like being buzzed, let alone drunk, so it's pointless to spend $4+ on an alcoholic drink. So I'm just not going to drink anymore! I very rarely drink as it is, and when I do I get down maybe half a glass before I pass it off to Vince, so it's not much of a change.

|| Vince got me a cute jacket for Christmas! So much better than my first Christmas gift. I want it to be warmer so I can wear it. It's not quite warm enough when it's below freezing outside. Thanks, but I'll stick with my Patagonia for now!

|| School starts in less than two weeks and I'm not ready. My house still isn't clean, I haven't ordered my books, and I like being able to sleep in until 9 instead of being in class at 8. I've still got time to get in school-mode, though, so I'm sure I'll be ready in time.

|| Taxes! I'm hoping we get a good chunk of money back this year.

|| My niece turns two today. WHAT. It seems like she was just born and now she's walking and talking and terrorizing everyone around her.

|| I start my lab tech job on Wednesday! My boss says she is super excited for me to work for her, so that's a good thing.

|| Entertaining the idea of being a naturopathic doctor and going to this school specifically. Thoughts? 


  1. That jacket is so precious! You look so cute!

    I think you would be a pretty awesome naturopathic doctor and that school seems pretty cool! Would that change anything for you before you started going there, or would it end up being the same whether you did that or stuck with one of your original ideas?

    1. I was so excited about it and SO surprised!

      I wouldn't have to change anything. They are almost the same requirements as regular med school and I have to have a bachelors degree, so I still have some time to think about it. Then it's four years as well, just like regular med school!

    2. Oh yay, that's awesome! It's nice especially since that gives you time to decide, not something you have pick right now to stay on track for it!

  2. I like this post! The new jacket is super cute!

    Next new years you may go out but do a brief early thing. I have to say this was one of the best New Years I have had cuddled up with my family!

    Old men are nicer to have around, you don't have to feel like your killing yourself to keep up and sacrificing things you may really want for their "WOOHOO LETS GET DRUNK AND PART-YYYYYYY" attitudes!

    Is naturopathic what Amber does? Is it sad that I clicked the link first to see where the school is at to see how far away you may move is?

    1. Thanks! I can't believe he managed to surprise me with it!

      Ya, the early thing is better for sure. Now my sleep schedule was all messed up.

      I am SO glad he's not like that, so you're right, old is good! haha

      Yep, that's what Amber does! There is a school closer in Tempe, but I know Vince would never go for that. The sad thing is that there are only five credited naturopath school in the US! So for us it's a toss-up between San Diego and Seattle.

  3. First off, your new coat is glorious! Super pretty ^_^

    I think S might kill me if I called him 'old' (since he's only five years older than me) but I like that he's not some crazy young party animal. The settling down, responsible, head-screwed-on right type. The sort of person you want to build a life with ^_^

    1. Thanks, I love it so much!

      Ya, I'm glad my husband isn't a party animal, or I definitely wouldn't be building my life with him! Yay for good men.

  4. I was out until all hours on New Years and I can understand not wanting to drink anymore after that, haha. You feel like shit all they the next day and it's such a drag. Besides, you can have legendary epic nights were you have tons of fun and your sober AND you can remember it the next day.

    1. Ya, it sucks! The last time I got drunk, I seriously had a hangover for like four days and I didn't remember the night before! So lame haha

  5. Cute jacket! I think your ND program looks awesome!!! That is really where health care is going! That wold be an awesome program for you, and it's a way of treatment you can be passionate about! It seems a lot of politics with doctors and pharmaceutical companies! This could be a direction for you to go in and not feel tied to that type of treatment. Sweet :)

    1. Thanks JL! That's the main reason I want to be an ND...I hate all the medicine and bullcrap they feed to people when it doesn't actually heal them!

  6. I have gone through the exact same thing with partying and getting crazy so I completely feel you!! There's like some weird pressure to be like that when you're in your 20's and it's like the leftover "people are gonna think I'm not cool" feelings from high school just bubble up and make you think that partying or drinking or staying out or whatever are just more important than maybe they really are. I mean I still have friends who go do that stuff all the time, but I'm just too much of an introvert and a homebody. It's not me. Once I dealt with that I was muuuuch happier. I'm glad you are tapping into your stay at home hermit ways :D

    I'm also going to agree that ND is the perfect career for you, I think you would really be able to explore your passions better in that field than traditional shoving pills at people doctoring. Also I think I already said this to you on another post but if not, Happy New Year!

    1. Ya, I hate big crowds and spending money, so it was pretty pointless! Haha Well I'm glad I have an old lady friend like you. =P

      I'm leaning to being an ND more and more!

      Yes about the Happy New Year, but everyone can use a good wish twice. Happy New Year to you a second time as well!
