
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Let's Get Physical

I'm back on the working out bandwagon again, as I've said like 500 times before. BUT I never actually stopped working out, so I guess I'm just upping it up? I was always doing something active, just not as much as I'd like. So for a little bit of support and accountability, I'm going this new awesome linkup called Let's Get Physical over at Simply Evani. I read about it at [insert sarcastic remark here] and now I'm even more excited about working out.

As I said last week, I've been doing morning walks with my friend (though admittedly since school started we've only gone once or twice because I suck and have a slight cold) and I really want to bump it up. We did Day 1 of the Couch to 5k and I was dying because of my oncoming cold, but we finished it! I've also been continuing the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred video which I still claim to be so hard even after doing it pretty consistently for over a year, as well as added on arm and core workouts. So that's where I am right now, fitness-wise.

I hate running. I feel like there is so much pressure in the exercise world to be able to run but I feel like there are other workouts that are just as affective. I do get a runners high, though, so I guess it's a love/hate relationship.
I like sleep. I know my day is better when I start it with exercise but I REALLY like sleep.
I love workout classes. I workout so much more and so much better when I'm doing it with someone else or in a group, yet I hate groups! I'm so weird, I know.
I feel incredibly guilty when I miss a workout. When I set a goal I want to succeed, and when I miss a workout I totally beat myself up for it.
I eat very healthy due to my gluten free diet and low dairy/meat diet. I think these confessions are supposed to be 'bad' things, but I'm proud of this one! Even though my body can't handle these foods and I have to be on this kind of diet, it's still something I have to work at.
I feel like having a hyperthyroid and being skinny without any work is like cheating. I don't do a lot of work to have a good body and while other people think it's great, I feel like I'm cheating myself out of real work.

I am tall and lean but I still need to exercise to be healthy. Being skinny doesn't mean healthy.
I may be gluten free and low dairy/meat, but I can always eat healthier. I shouldn't settle with how I eat now.
I am busy with school and work. So are many other people, self, and they find a way to workout!
Naps are ok. Taking a short nap mid-day is actually a good thing and healthy for your heart.
I have an energized dog who needs to workout, too. I chose to bring her into our lives, therefore my husband and I owe it to her to treat her right.

Do other cardio aside from running. I still want to run, but I also want to do workouts like run stairs (which I loved when I did it on our roadtrip) or those weird cardio machines at the gym that don't have you actually like your feet off the machine. This leads me to my second goal...
Workout for 5 days a week for 2 months, then get a gym membership. A lot of people think gym membership = working out, but that's not the case for me. If I don't start off with a consistent routine, then I'm not going to get my money's worth at the gym. So if I workout for 5 days a week for 2 months, I'll be in a routine and when the cold weather hits, I'll be able to hide in the gym!
Wake up by 7am, but try for 6:30am, to workout. I need to get over my love of sleep and really dedicate to doing workouts early morning before my 8:30am class. I can start by waking up early on the mornings I don't have early classes and then transition to class days so I won't be dead tired.
Take a group fitness class. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to be judged (which is why I never go to group yoga classes, some of the people are SUCH assholes) but when I was doing spin classes with old folks I loved it! I need to get over my fears and just do it.
Be ok if I miss a workout day. It just makes me sad which turns into me just stop working out because I don't want to feel like that again! I need to just accept that some days I will be too tired or something else will come up and that the next day I will be able to continue my workout.
Try one new recipe a week. I love sticking to tried and true recipes, but I need to branch out!

So there you go. Feel free to join in this here, it's such a great thing!


  1. Hi Steffani!
    So happy to join in on Let's Get Physical and thank you for linking back to us! I LOVE Melissa so I'm happy she led you to me. I think you have such a fresh perspective to the fitness journey because I think it's unfair when people assume that people who are skinny should just be happy with being "healthy". Being healthy is so much more than a weight! I love the fact you do eat gluten/dairy/sugar free so I'd love to hear some recipes you absolutely love. Also, I cannot stand running, I do it because I feel like I have to but hearing other blogger hate it too makes me feel better! Definitely don't be embarrassed to do group fitness, those are my absolute favorite! I was definitely one of the struggling ones in my yoga class yesterday but I use the others as inspiration to push myself harder! Thank you again for linking up, can't wait to cheer you on and follow!


  2. Ooooh, I love it! There is a group fitness class I really want to take that isn't offered in Casper but is in Cheyenne. That's two hours away, but I'm trying to convince Ryan it'll be good since we haven't gotten to actually explore Cheyenne yet. It's no different than when we used to take day trips down to Phoenix, except we don't hate Cheyenne with every ounce of our souls! ;]

    1. 2 hours away?! That's crazy! It must be a class you REALLY want to take. What type of class is it? You might as well go!

    2. It was a pre-natal yoga class... but then I found a pre-natal aqua aerobics class here in town so I've been doing that instead and I absolutely love it!

    3. That's great that you found one close!

  3. I love sleep too (don't we all). I'm not a fan of group classes either for that same reason. A class with old folks sounds perfect though! Haha. Good luck with your goals!

  4. Sleep = Wins.
    I'm really, REALLY, bad on sticking to a workout regime. My bad habit is that I find excuses to not work out. And seriously I rather sleep than go to the gym. Sad but true. But I really really need to get on it!!!

    Good luck with your goals :))

    1. Excuses are so hard to not use! I'd so much rather sleep too. Thanks!

  5. This sounds AMAZING! You know I am here for you if you want a partner in health!

    1. Yes! I'm going to write up a workout schedule thing then I'll send it to you. (Like what days I want to do what, etc)

  6. I don't know anyone who DOESN'T like sleep. I had a lovely nap earlier today.

    Congrats on starting couch to 5k. You'll be running a mile and then two and then three in no time.

    1. I've done the couch to 5k before and loved it and even did the 1/2 marathon training, so I know I can do it again!

  7. + Is runners high when you feel like you're on drugs (super euphoric, happy and you don't want to stop)? I love this! but I can only get it after long, intensive workout and if I'm working out like this at least 2x a week. however, I only like running when I have high physical condition (which I currently don't have).

    + I think I can relate to you (actually the most compared to other participants). I felt a little ashamed after posting a pic of my abs and afraid that others may feel discouraged because I'm relatively in shape already. but I really want to get stronger than I currently am. I also eat pretty healthy compared to others, but I'm far from my definition of healthy.

    + I could also sign what you wrote about sleeping and group workouts. :)

    1. Yep, that's what a runner's high is! And I don't get it every time either, but that's what I try for! haha

      I'm glad we can relate to each other! It's so hard to talk to someone who's out of shape because I feel like an asshole being like, Ugh, it's so hard to workout, yadda ya. I know I can be healthier, but a lot of people think I'm healthy enough!

    2. I know! I try to be considerate and helpful, although I can't always understand certain unhealthy habits. but I've got no tolerance for comments like: "Oh you've got great posture, you don't need to work out and you can eat whatever you want!"

  8. Good luck! I detest running too, but I actually did a 5k last weekend and ran almost all of it without stopping to walk. It was called Color Me Rad and it was a run where they throw color at you every 5k and when you're done, you basically have a fun tye-dyed t-shirt. Ever since then, I've had this desire to go running again! Weird!

    1. Another blogger did that race, it sounds so fun!

  9. Okayyyy for the record, I TOTALLY commented on this a long time ago but for some reason my comment doesn't show or didn't go through? NOT COOL. Anyways, so happy to meet you and THANK YOU for linking up! I'll be rooting for you! See ya next month ;)
