
Monday, November 25, 2013

Nursing + Making Friends

So I need to start this by telling those of you who don't know that I got into the nursing school! I got accepted to NAUs Bachelor of Science in Nursing program and start in January. I didn't expect to get in because it's known for being extremely difficult to get accepted your first try (they only accept 30 students a semester and usually have a few hundred applicants each cycle, and have had up to 650) so needless to say, I am excited. Anyways, to the rest of the post.

One thing that might come as a total shock is that I am an introvert through and through. When I tell people this they always seem shocked for some reason, but seriously, I am. I hate hate hate small talk so I don't like being in a situation where it's needed (i.e., parties!), I hate being away from home, and sometimes I even hate being around Vince. Fortunately, he understands when I say, 'Will you just stop talking and let me be so I can be alone with my brain?!' That especially happens when I come home after a long day at work/class and I haven't had some down time.

For the most part, I'm fine with being introverted. It saves me time because I don't have to sit and talk to someone I don't know about how their boyfriend is being super annoying and it saves me money because I don't need to go out and spend time with friends. I leave all that to Vince, who is one of the most extroverted person I know.

At the same time, you can imagine the drawbacks. I may seem disinterested in someone, especially if I'm at a party or in a class, and it makes it really hard to make friends. In reality, I really do want to talk to you but I'd rather hear about things you are actually interested in instead of the weather. I'm probably the worst friend maker there is! This is one of the things that makes me nervous about nursing school: I'll be with the same 30 people for two and a half years. THAT IS FOREVER. And what if I don't make any friends at all? I just read this post on a nursing forum and now I'm convinced I'm going to be that girl that everyone thinks is weird.

But in reality, I just need to take a chill pill. I know I am AWESOME with patients based on my CNA experience and I know that I get along well with coworkers. I have no doubt that my introvertedness will not be a problem when it comes to being a nurse and everything it entails, it's just being in class! Which seems like a totally weird thing to be nervous about. How am I ok making small talk with a patient or a coworker, but not a classmate?

When I sit in my classes now and hear the things people talk about, it seriously drains all my energy just to think of having a conversation like that. I don't care what color your new shirt is or that stupid thing your friend did in the middle of the movies. Tell me about how your parents got divorced or how much you really love nutrition and then we'll get to talking for hours!

Is it a bad thing if I don't make friends? I am there to learn, right? Maybe I should just give them a piece of paper with a link to my blog telling them to read it and find something we're both interested in to talk about. Ha! ;)


  1. First off, huge congratulations! That is amazing and exciting news ^_^ you smartie.

    I am exactly the same when it comes to people. I find making new friends pretty much the biggest challenge ever. I can't make small talk to save my life and I'm hopeless at parties. The way I figure it, I don't want to feel all anxious and worried about talking to people so I just let that go. If you meet somebody that you click with, conversation flows like it should. I really worried when I moved to the US that I'd have a huge hurdle when it came to my introversion, but S reminded me that if someone wants to be friends, they'll make an effort to figure you out and ensure you're comfortable. I know that sounds like kind of a lazy way to make friends (like they have to do all the work) but it takes a lot of effort as an introvert just to reach out for conversation sometimes.

    Enough rambling ^_^ you'll kick butt for sure!

    1. Thank you for this! I'm four months late to replying, so sorry! ;(

      I completely agree, conversation should flow. Luckily there are a few girls I've clicked with and talking is easier then I expected! I hope you've managed to make friends since moving!

  2. Whew! You are too much like me. I do not like people either but loved being a nurse and EMT-A. I'd rather be with myself most of the time. Definitely don't even know how to "make small talk" most of the time and Ron says people think I don't like them, not that I don't like them - I'd just as soon talk about what I or they are there for. You want me to do something, just ask, don't beat around the bush asking about everything else! Most small talk is a gigantic waste of time. Never got nominated employee of the year (never could kiss a$$) but I preferred a smile from a patient or the box of candy from a family to hearing about co-workers trials and tribulations. I had someone try and tell me that I was depressed or that I have SAD - I tell them no, I've always been that way and am content the way I am.

    1. Responding 4 months late…eek! When I told Vince I wanted to be a nurse, shortly after he questioned me and said that I don't like people haha I was so taken aback and didn't think I was like that, but now I realize I totally am. And obviously I like people, but as you said, no small talk!

  3. Congrats on nursing school!!! I think the nice thing about school is that it will basically force you to make friends with someone. At some point you will have to team up with someone and there you go. Secondly, do you try to go to lunch with them? Like in a group? Because I feel like it's easier to talk and remain engaged when you're eating. Or maybe that's just me. LOL.

    1. I totally forgot to reply to these comments and feel like a jerk, so I'm responding…4 months later ;) Anyways, some of us have been eating lunch together, and it's the ones who also bring there lunch, so we are 'weirdos' together who don't have their food paid for by their parents haha So luckily that has been working!

  4. Another extreme introvert here. I LOVE authentic conversation, but small talk makes me wanna run and hide. I actually do that sometimes - I hide in my house if I see that a smalltalking neighbour is coming to visit me! :D I'm really hopeless about it - I wish I could just be a little rude and say that they bore me to death. Have you read Quiet by Susan Cain?

    1. Whoops, I ended up missing ALL the comments on this post! Grr. Anyways, I totally do the same thing and hide in my house! I hate even having to answer the door for UPS haha I haven't read Quit, but just looked it up and will add it to my reading list!
