
Friday, May 3, 2013

And then miscarriage happens.

Just wanted to give you a brief update on my life to let you know I'm alive.

I haven't been posting because I was pregnant and when you are trying to keep it a secret but want to start every post with, 'Boy, do I just want to barf on everyones shoes,' it's hard to write. So I just decided not to write.

Over the past week, however, I've been dealing with a miscarriage (it sounds like it should be a simple thing that happens and it's done with, but it's been kind of the worst eight day of my life that seems to continue dragging on forever) so now I'm able to write again because I have no juicy secrets I want to share. I wrote up a more detailed post about my miscarriage because I believe it is something that shouldn't be so taboo, I'm just waiting for Vince to read through it because it's not just my experience to share.

For those of you that Vince or I have talk to about this and shared your own stories, THANK YOU. It's been oddly comforting to hear about how we aren't the only ones who have gone through this. With 20% of pregnancies ending in miscarriage, it's hard to feel alone!

For the family and friends we haven't told about this and are upset that we haven't come forward with this information, don't be. It's been rough and we've only told the people we've had to tell because they had to know about the pregnancy for some reason or another.

Other than that we are happy and healthy, and I'm ready for the semester to be over after finals next week. Then I'll have three glorious weeks off of work to do whatever the hell I want. I have a zillion posts that are half finished that I hope to get to. And camping and hiking? I think yes. Let me know if you want to get together.

Spring is here and I'm off to watch my 8 year old brothers baseball game, take hime out to froyo with Vince after, and help him make a wizards hat.


  1. I know we are just friends through the blog world, but know that I am thinking of you at this difficult time. I have no personal experience with miscarriage and I can't imagine how crushing the event must be. Stay strong! You are not alone!

    1. I feel like I know a lot of fellow bloggers more than people in real life! Thank you for the kind words! <3

  2. Stay strong. I love you. I can't imagine what you're going through. Luckily the weather has been amazing lately. Get out and enjoy the fresh air. Again, stay strong. <3

    1. SO glad the weather is good. I honestly think it would be immensely worse with dreary weather that makes me sad on its own. Thank you! <3

  3. I went through one about 2 weeks ago. So I completely know how you feel. If you need someone to talk yo or anything just let me know. God has a plan and one day we will have beautiful children. :)

    1. I'm sorry you've had to go through this as well. It's such a shit thing to have to go through. If you need someone to talk to as well, I'm also happy to talk about it! We WILL have beautiful babies some day!

  4. Oh Steff. I'm so sorry to hear your news. I hope that you and Vince are okay and that you know we're all here for you. Take care.

  5. So sorry to hear this news -- you guys are in my thoughts!

  6. Oh Steff, this is awful. :( It's never easy, and it's not always the loss of life but more the loss of possibilities. I am thinking about you, thinking positive thoughts and hoping that your quest to be a mommy happens for you soon. Hugs!

    1. You are so right, the loss of possibilities and the life we were 'supposed' to have is so hard. Thank you!

  7. I am soooo sorry to hear about this. :( I have been's just not something I've ever publicly talked about (which is surprising, considering the things I DO talk about) but that's how bad it hurts....I wish I could give you a big trans-atlantic hug. And I HATE hugs. (you probably do too. lol) I know I'm basically on another planet but if there's anything you ever need, I'm an email or Facebook message away. I love you Steff!!!

    1. I'm sorry you've had to go through it too. I hate hugs from most people, but don't mind them from family and friends, so I will happily take one from you!! Love!!! ♥ ♥

  8. Still sending lots of positive vibes to you and Vince! I think you're a pretty awesome girl already, but especially for sharing your experience and giving others a chance to heal too!

    It sounds like your "summer" is off to a great start already though, so here's to that!

  9. I'm so sorry Steff. I love you!

  10. :( *hug* It's gonna take a long time to get through it, but you're a strong girl and have a great guy to support you. Take care!
