
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Spookify Your Town

Sara is doing a Spookify Your Town photo project and since she's one of the best ladies ever, I of course wanted to participate and send her some photos, but I hadn't gotten around to it. I got home from work today and was all set to watch The Vampire Diaries after reading some blogs, and saw her reminder about the project. I immediately threw on my jacket and a hat and grabbed my camera to walk around my neighborhood. I live downtown and there are quite a bit of abandoned houses here. It was fun to walk around some yards and hop a fence or two (ooo, I trespassed!) to get some 'spooky' shots. It's been sooooo long since I walked around with my camera just to take pictures, so it was fun. (I totally feel silly acting all artsy-fartsy with my camera.)  Now, I'm curled up on the couch with the heater blasting, a new scarf around my neck, a warm cup of tea waiting for me, and editing some pictures while Hocus Pocus is playing in the background. Can life get any better?

Here are two of my favorites from today. Head over to TheTravelingPhoBlogWriPher on Monday or Tuesday for more! If you want to send her some photos of your town, do it by Sunday night(10/28). So fun!


  1. Thank you for sharing me! Anybody is welcome to join!
    I'm so excited for all of these! I think I'm going to post all of them but these two and then link to your page as well. =]

  2. I LOVE that second picture of the house! Very cool!

  3. whoaaaaa....badass....I've gotta check this out.....

  4. I want you to know, even though you don't blog nearly enough, you're still my BBFF. (Best Blog Friend Foreverrr) (Intentional triple R, totally legit)

    But seriously. It's been a week since I've seen anything new from my favorite blog. Get on that.
